As any personal productivity specialist will tell you, it is easy to trick yourself into thinking that you are being productive; activity has a misleading allure. 正如个体生产力专家告诉你的,欺骗你自己认为你是在生产是很容易的;活动有错误的诱惑力。
This suggests that bank lending to companies is being used to pay interest on old loans rather than for new productive activity. 这表明,企业从银行获得的贷款正用于偿还旧债利息,而不是扩大再生产。
The best way to stay in the "sweet spot," Dr. Moser says, is to channel the anxiety into productive activity-like studying and acing the test. 莫泽认为,要掌握好平衡点,最好的方式是将焦虑引导到富有成效的行动中去,比如说去学习并通过测试。
The boundary between predatory and productive activity is sometimes hard to define, but it is necessary to be ever vigilant in policing it. 掠夺性活动和生产性活动之间的区别很难界定,但在监督这条界线时必须万分警惕。
Productive purchase is basic activity of production and operation of enterprise. 生产性采购活动是企业生产经营过程中的基本活动。
But this is true only if the shuttered US factories and furloughed workers quickly shift to some other equally productive and well-paid activity. 但只有当倒闭的美国工厂和失业的员工迅速转向其它一些同样多产且高收入的活动,这种说法才能成立。
But this requires greater domestic competition, reallocation of resources to more productive activity and better utilisation of labour. 但这要求加强国内竞争,将资源重新配置到生产率更高的经济活动,并更好地利用劳动力。
The principle of equal pay for equal work for men and women must be enforced to encourage women to engage in productive activity. 要发动妇女参加劳动,必须实行男女同工同酬的原则。
Order-reversing Involution Operator in Bounded Implicative-algebras; Human's material productive activity and moral spirits contain each other. 有界蕴涵BCK-代数中的逆对合算子人类的物质生产活动与道德精神是相互蕴涵的。
It only covers production exchanged in the private market or the public sector and misses the vast amount of productive activity inside the household, such as family care for children and the elderly. 它只涵盖在私人市场或公共部门进行交换的生产,而没有计入家庭中的大量生产活动,比如养育儿女和赡养老人。
Critics attack it, but the Act allows financial institutions to perform the vital function of accumulating capital and making it available to the productive elements in our society, while minimising the likelihood of irresponsible practices that contribute little to productive economic activity. 批评者对它进行攻击,但该法案让金融机构得以发挥其关键职能:积累资金并将其提供给社会中具有生产力的要素,同时把无助于生产性经济活动的不负责任行为的可能性降至最低。
There ensued a partial restoration of productive activity. 接着,生产活动得到了部分恢复。
There was a cessation of nearly every sort of productive activity except such as contributed to military operations. 除了那些有助于军事行动的生产活动以外,几乎各类生产活动都停了下来。
The function of the financial sector will be to stimulate productive activity and it will be the object of rigorous controls, both national and international, by means of serious and representative organisations. 金融部门的职能将会是刺激生产活动,同时,它将成为国家和国际层面的严格监管对象,借助认真且有代表性的组织。
Major types of agricultural disasters due to productive activity and preventive countermeasures against the disasters in Shaanxi Province 陕西省人为农业灾害的主要类型及防灾对策
And it is the organic combination of the agriculture productive activity and tourism, and it is also becoming a new economic growth point. 生态旅游农业是农业生产活动与旅游活动的有机结合,它已日益成为一个新的经济增长点。
Education activity is a kind of productive association in social activity. 教育活动是人类社会活动中富含生命力的交往活动。
Working education, as a form of school education, refers not to the productive activity aimed at making money, but to students 'participation of social practices. 学校中的劳动教育并非是指以创造物质财富为目的的生产活动,而是作为学校教育的一种形式,泛指学生参与的、以生产实践为主的社会实践活动。
Knowledge is not the passive reflection process on the sensitive material, but a kind of active productive activity. 认识不是对感性材料被动的反映加工,而是一种积极的生产活动。
The value of artistic portrait pictures for the consumers, mainly, is its aesthetic one. Owing to the relativity of its aesthetic values, the productive activity of the aesthetic products must consider whether the consumer can accept and take consumers 'aesthetic tastes into consideration. 艺术人像摄影图片提供给消费者的价值主要是它的审美价值,由于审美价值的产生具有相对性,因此审美产品的生产活动必须考虑消费者对产品审美价值的接受问题,必须考虑消费者的审美要求。
In productive activity and scientific analysis, some common simple primary functions are used to fit empirical equation. 在生产活动和科学技术分析中,需要一些常用的简单初等函数来拟合经验公式。
As for its behavior, education is a special social productive activity, which produces special educational products. 教育就其行为来讲是一种特殊的社会生产活动,生产着特殊的教育产品。
The writing teaching in colleges, as a productive activity, has the distinctive advantages in training the productive talents. 写作活动是一种创造活动,高校写作教学对培养创造型人才具有独特的优势。
Writing is a kind of productive spiritual activity. 写作是一种创造性的精神生产活动。
Marx's concept of practice consists of two aspects. that is, productive activity and communication activity. 马克思的实践概念包含着两个向度:人征服自然的生产活动以及人与人之间的交往活动。
With the development the Chinese nation, in various ethnic groups influence each other penetration, while absorbing the integration on the basis of the foreign culture, after a long period of productive activity and social practice, a unique Chinese dress culture has been resulted. 中华民族的发展过程中,在各个民族相互影响渗透,同时吸收融合了外来文化的基础之上,经过长时间的生产活动和社会实践,产生了中国独具特色的服饰文化。
In his ultimate theory of the "realm of freedom", the building-up freedom time linked up productive practice and aesthetic activity, that is to say, which connected realm of necessity and realm of freedom. 在其最终的自由王国理论中,通过自由时间增长这一环节将分开的生产实践和艺术审美活动,即必然王国与自由王国又连接了起来。
In the post-industrialization society, artistic activities have evolved and will continue to develop into a kind of productive activity. 在后工业社会,艺术活动已经而且还在继续演变发展成为一种生产活动。
Productive activity of scientific knowledge in contemporary society has changed and is still developing, which is generalized by many scholars in different fields. 当代社会中科学知识生产活动已经并正在发生着许多重要的变化,不同领域的学者从不同的角度进行了理论概括。
As an important part of regional development in our country, counties have many resources such as natural resources, economical resources, cultural resources and social resources. So they can go into productive and non-productive activity independently. 县域作为我国区域发展中的重要组成部分,它拥有自然、经济、技术、文化、社会等多种类型的资源,可以相对独立地进行生产性和非生产性活动。